Sunday, January 30, 2011

Places To Live

so we have been holding out with almost vain hopes to find an actual house to live in next semester. We kinda sorta gave up on the idea, but there is this one place that is giving us reason to hope. The red brick house-- just what the name implies. Pretty old, it has paned windows and is little and cute. We need five open spots so just cross your fingers that we can get in (so far, there are four open spots). But, another eureka-- we found this apartment that has the kitchen and living room downstairs and the bedrooms upstairs for an AMAZING price. Seriously. We all love it. Hopefully this week we will finalize this and be able to sign our new contracts for our next year at school. Pray for us!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Time To Start

So, I guess in collage you can have a roommate family... right? The only reason I chose Kristyn's last name to represent us all is because she is probably the coolest one here, and because her name just made a super cool title.
So who are we? We are joining into the many many zillions of family blogs with our own "not-so-blood-related" family blog!! Then, everybody who cares about our antics can read them and get some good ideas. :)
Diana Barfoot-- half Chilean, tall, gorgeous, and of course, talented. She plays guitar, she sings, she studies humanities! and she is pretty feisty and can definitely tell you what's what, that's what.
Sarah Kellar-- white-washed latino beauty, with a voice and a loud laugh. When she isn't singing some sort of aria, she's singing songs you've never heard before, but wish you did. But... spanish and business are what she is going to learn to save the world.
Julie Gwilliam-- canadian, and way too chill sometimes. Her roommates handle her messy habits with grace. She's brunette, health conscious, talented at cooking, and loves to read and write.
Kristyn Jensen-- she's got the name and the fame, and the red hair. She loves things that are just off the beaten path, and can pretty much cook anything. She's a culinary student and has been rockin' that so far. If you want to make her smile, all you have to do is love spongebob, candy and little buttons.
Emily Benson-- our blond blue eyed beauty. She may be tiny, but everything she's got is heart. She studies human development, because she wants to help people get their ducks in a row. With her crazy eyebrows, and sharp sense of humor, and her innate dancing skills, she will definitely keep you on your toes.
Melanie Brown-- a late addition, but one we could never do without. She has excellent power of persuasion, and the cutest little blue car. Melanie excels at making people laugh with her quirky personality, and is probably the most easy going of us all.
and Shineah-- although far from us in distance, still part of the team and with us everyday in heart and mind. A lover of water and the color green, shineah is the friend everyone wants but rarely finds. Her crazy hair reflects her crazy personality, and her huge brown eyes show off her huge gold heart.
Hope you love us as much as we do... and welcome to the family.