Friday, April 1, 2011

I am an English teaching major. Yes. I want to teach high school.
Lately, I have been working on a final project for one of my classes, only to be met with despair. I know people can always get down on their abilities, but I feel like people don't credit their teachers enough for how much work they put into teaching. Good teachers don't just stand there and talk at you, and show you things. Good teachers prepare lessons, and plan every detail, and rack their brains for hours to come up with an effective fifty minute class period. The lesson must be fun, but productive. It must be interesting, but follow the state core. It must engage all students, and move them forward into the next lesson. Every teacher has set rules-- the picture the puzzle is supposed to make. However, they not only have to put the pieces together, they have to design the pieces themselves. It take tons of brainwork, time, energy, effort, and often-- even after all of that-- it still isn't successful.
Add to that the kids that don't want to learn, that don't appreciate the sacrifice, that destroy your books, and talk back, and never do their homework-- and their over protective "how dare you give my child a B" parents.
So then, why do I want to teach?
Because. I learned to see their faces. I learned to relish the challenge. I learned to see challenges, not as weeds, but as roots waiting to grow into beautiful flowers. I learned to trust that some teachers can make a difference.
Waiting for superman... meh. We don't need to wait. Superman is in every single student. They just need sunlight to fight the kryptonite.

1 comment:

  1. Just a little Sunlight indeed. Maybe a little Julie as their teacher! :)
