I say it that way to make it sound like I go rock climbing all the time and this is the first time I've ever mentioned it. Well, my last rock climbing day was over a year ago-- actually pretty close to two years ago. So... yeah.
But I was a belayer for the first time-- which actually is both easier and harder than it looks. It makes my arms really tired, and makes me so grateful for those dads that would come to summer camp and belay all day for the hordes of girls who wanted to climb that open cliff face. I only did it... maybe five times, but it made my arms really tired of always pulling that rope through.
Climbing has always been an interesting experience for me-- pulling yourself up a wall, thinking about where the strongest handholds will be, trusting your feet to stand on one little rounded rock while pulling with both arms to get to the next one. I am always grateful at these moments of physical challenge because it makes me grateful to my body-- I know that must sound strange. But, it's as if my body is somehow separate from me, and we are two things working together, but I'm enjoying it while my body is doing the work. And so, I have a fond gratitude that it lets me do these things to it, and frankly, sometimes I get amazed that it does those things.
Hope I'm not too weird for ya.
You did great. :) Thanks for keeping me safe!