Wednesday, May 29, 2013

That's My Story

So, the other update is as follows:

I am waiting for information on my work authorization/green card, and have since graduated from college. Never have I been without tasks for an extended period of time-- where filling my time becomes my task. How does one spend the days when they have little responsibility? The list of things that I have been doing so far:

1. I made a quilt. In total days: seven. Granted those were full-time days where the DH didn't even get dinner made for him.

2. I planned a remodel for the crib. It is still in planning stage.

3. Currently re-watching episodes of Gilmore Girls. They help me have humor and perspective. And goodness. And they're just awesome. Done.

4. Planted a garden. Watched the garden grow.

5. Watered my tomato plant.

6. Become a frequent library goer.

7. Read about... 16 books since the beginning of April.

8. Made beef jerky at home twice.

9. Doubled the amount of pins I have pinned on pinterest.

10. Found more names for my baby than the amount of babies I could possibly have in life.

... and other constructive things.

Invite me over if you need something. Like a quilt or a book recommendation.

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