Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Groundbreaking Event

So... my family has never been much for sports or anything. I mean watching them. My sister played volleyball, my other sister played rugby and my brother wrestled. My dad coached soccer.


For some reason there was no watching of the super bowl and very little following of hockey night in Canada-- unless some team that we sort of new made it to the play-offs.

How is it, some of my American friends may ask, that I made it to my senior year of college without once ever watching a football game, live or on TV? Well, that is the way it was.

Today that changed. I watched BYU play Texas... on the TV, with corn chips and salsa on the table. I yelled when our team dropped the ball (which seemed to happen far too often, despite my limited game knowledge), I cheered when we scored-- and suddenly, I felt as though I had bonded over a beautiful, purely American ritual. I felt close to the smelly, jeering guys.

I moved forward today.

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