Saturday, September 17, 2011

Picking Plums

SO I work for grounds crew. My job is to design some sort of retainment mechanism for a really steep hill of dirt. When it rains, the hill erodes into a large water feature that cost the university millions to build. My supervisor found out that I worked for a landscaping company and all of a sudden believes I am wonder woman when it comes to design and asked me to head this project.
I started working on it on Monday.

You'd think I'd get a lot of satisfaction doing that instead of weeding or mowing lawns. I do. But, the absolute best part...

They planted these terrible trees that have super messy fruit that drops all over the paving stones. I spent the majority of my life hating these horrible trees. Until I found out that the fruit was edible! PLUMS.

So, as I did almost nothing today, I decided to hike up the hill and climb the tree and pick them and eat them. People gave me super weird looks as they passed on the walkway underneath me. But... when you're poor... you get food where you can.

Next week, I might dig for edible roots and scour the mountainside for wild strawberries.


  1. so those are edible and no one harvests them?! Sad. I have always assumed they were ornamentals, and not for eating. do tell the area. Is it on the hill going down to the duck pond?

  2. the tree that I pick from is on the ramp... walking down the hill to the stairs across from the brick oven.
