Friday, June 24, 2011

Sleep. No explanation needed.

The new art consists of learning to fill your days... when you have... no job, no school, no agenda, and no chores or projects or housework or... anything.

Therefore, in case someone is ever in this dreadful situation I am in, I am going to make it easy for them but compiling a list of things one can do when they have nothing to do. Forgive me if they are redundant, self-explanitory, or unhelpful.

1. Facebook. I have looked at all of the pictures of my closest friends, followed by my good friends, followed by my aquaintances, followed by those of the the people who are my friends... on facebook only.

2. Movies. Not only to they pass large amounts of time, but they also allow for ample cuddle time with the fiance. What but the non-reality of the movie world can better fill (or should I say kill) the endless hours of daylight.

3. Sleep. No explanation needed.

4. Read books. Might I recommend Harry Potter-- which are my go to books. It seems fitting that I should confess I may or may not have read each book a minimum of thirty times. And I still like them. True test of time and faith right there.

5. Time killing hobbies like crocheting, quilting, repainting your toenails over and over, writing pointless letters, learning to become a jedi (Warning: may require great patience), or meditation.

6. Make daily tasks take a long time. Spend an hour doing your hair, and another doing your make-up. Shower twice as long. Eat more slowly... or just eat more. Walk instead of driving... if you have anywhere to go. Walking takes a lot longer.

Anyway. If you are ever in need of things to fill your thingless days... I am here for you.

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