I have been looking forward to writing post number 100 on my blog for a long time. I didn't have a specific idea of what I wanted it to say. And now I am sad that this post will be neither witty nor clever nor anything else light-hearted.
Anxiety (noun)-- distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune
I think this word is under-appreciated for what it means. I think this feeling is under-appreciated for what it does. The anxious person is a person who falls asleep late and awakens early. The anxious person simultaneously avoids food and eats it for comfort. The anxious person finds it difficult to rationalize, to improvise, to socialize, but merely clings to the fringes of normal, everyday thought, telling themselves that somehow, something will change and the feeling will just go away.
They seek for rash emotional answers to rid themselves of disquiet. Perhaps I should move to a different state. Maybe I should watch a whole series of Gilmore Girls in one afternoon to distract my mind. Maybe if I cut off all my hair, and dyed it blonde, it would help. Buy a new dress. Clean my room. Drink milk-- I never drink milk. Maybe I should just buy a plane ticket, even though I'm already booked to fly there next week as it is.
Others should realize that anxious people may not be very logical, may be suspicious, may not make informed decisions, may cry or over-react to unrelated things, may be irritable, and may cause emotional or bodily harm to others.
Anxiety: Mostly cloudy, guarantee of showers.
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