Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Other Germany

I have passed through the midst of the large city and now have had the pleasure of running through the true wilderness. Literally.

We left berlin on last month. I wish I could say I was sad to leave it, but, just like Berlin is a city defined by change, I was defined by the changes that happened to me in Berlin. And, that Friday marked a big step forward into a new realization of who I am, and what I want to become. So, it is only fitting that I, Julie Gwilliam, begin the next chapter in a new place.

Germany is a beautiful place. Truly one of the most gorgeous country-sides in the whole of this earth. It is green, and there are rolling fields, thick forests and hills just tall enough to be small mountains that are great to hike.

We decided we would dive into the wilderness like the athletic ambitious that we aren’t, and tackled that mountain, running (well mostly running) the whole way up. The view was worth it. I hadn’t realized until that moment, when I was running there with trees all around me, surrounded by great friends, that I hadn’t really appreciated Germany (or nature) ever in my life.

After the high of reaching a place where all of Germany seemed open to our view, we started the trek back down the trail-- the wrong trail. We got very, very lost. But it was great. We laughed and everyone kept their cool and suddenly the prospect of spending a night out in the wilderness on some German mountain didn’t seem at all that big of a deal. It slowly got dark as we slowly picked out way down the mountain, and slowly made our way back to town (we had ended up over a mile away from the trailhead).

Germany is beautiful. And I didn’t even know.

So, I will end this post with this letter.

Dear Tiergarten,

We are grateful for all you do to add green to Berlin. You truly are an amazing feat of nature in a dirty great metropolis. However, we must regretfully inform you that you are simply not as qualified as some of our other applicants in representing the beauty of your country.

Your post in Berlin is needed, and even though there are many openings elsewhere, we feel as though the promotion of German beauty will be fulfilled much better by some of our other applicants. Thank you.

Keep up the great work.


The Former Berliners

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