Monday, August 29, 2011

Pancakes With White Flour

First day of school. In elementary school it is mostly a great excuse to meet up with new friends as pack your desk with your new school supplies (nothing is more exhilarating than opening all your new pencils and lining your white erasers up and having a new back-pack with your name inked on in sharpie). You go to school in your bestest back to school clothes, new shoes, and socks that won't stay white for very long. Such were the days of recess.

In middle and high school, the air is also tinged with expectancy toward new boys, dances, comparing brand names of new clothes, learning your locker combination and learning how to skip class without getting caught. Such were the days of student government, homecoming, and who is dating who-- along with those exams and grades that you need to get to college.

And then suddenly you're there. Everybody is still wearing new clothes--- but nobody notices you wearing them. You go to class, get a syllabus, get overwhelmed when you look at the semester calender and realize how little you're going to be sleeping, start that part time job--- and go home to a can of black beans for dinner.

It gets even better at BYU, because not only can you feel the tension of the start of the new semester, you can also feel the eyes of people everywhere sizing up the people around them. Sometimes, I feel like campus is nothing but eyes-- looking, looking.... not only for new people to befriend and date, but for people you know, that you might run into. We all secretly love seeing a familiar face, and love it even more when that familiar face sees yours and they... SMILE.

Gotta love college.

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