So here it is. Julie's tribute to love.
I love love.
And forgive me for quoting one of the most cookie cutter chick flicks in existence, but great love doesn't come around often. And when it does, we gotta learn to pay attention. I don't know if loving your best friend, or love at first sight, or love after three days are only things that happen in romantic movies. But, I do know that love changes you. And it changes you a lot.
Loves teaches you to sacrifice. It teaches you how not to complain. It teaches you everything you need to know-- but not in your head. It teaches you in your heart. And somehow, once you learn to love somebody, your ability to love them just gets bigger. And your capacity to love others just gets better.
But it's the great love side of things I really want to talk about.
Great love is love that you can't find everywhere, and certainly not with just anyone. Everyone has at least one person that they love with great love -- love that causes them the most joy, just because it exists, and love that causes probably the most pain.
I guess want I want say is that you should never take love for granted.