Friday, October 14, 2011


Yes you read the title right.

Yesterday I went to the corn maze at thanksgiving point. But it's not just a corn maze. It's kind of a fall fair sort of feeling, with music and pig races and scones for sale at those cheap trailer concessions. There was also this black box called "buried alive and cornaphobia".... which combined gross hanging things in darkness, the smell of dirt, blowing wind and waving anima-tronic corn with claustrophobia. It was freaky-- but cool now that I look back on it.

We spent ... a long time... getting lost in the maze. And, we spent an even longer time getting un-lost in the maze. It seemed that no matter what path we took, we always ended up back where we started. Not desirable, let me tell you.

But I noticed something thought provoking out in that corn. The field seemed to go on forever, and the sky above us seemed endless, save for the mountains which brought the sky to an end. But you noticed it just the same. Sometimes I feel that way. I feel like I have this endless potential and that I, and others, can only see a very small part of it. But even though I can only see a little bit of the sky, I still believe there is more. Even though I can only see a little bit in myself, I still believe there is more. And the best part is-- even though I can only see a little bit of Heavenly Father's plan for me, or for everyone, I still believe-- I still know-- that there is a way out of the corn maze where I can find joy and peace and love. Sometimes we might feel that we're stuck in a maze-- we don't know what to do, and we don't know how long it will be until we finally reach the end. But there is someone who knows. And even though we can't see it right this minute-- the possibility for something great is ALREADY there, maybe even on the other side of the mountain that can keep us from seeing the whole sky.

We are taught that truth comes to us line upon line... one thing at a time. I feel like that might apply to people too-- we get to know others and we get to know ourselves one glimpse of sky at a time.

Lessons from a Halloween corn maze.

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