Saturday, March 12, 2011

Here I am going to expose more of myself... but it seems safer on the internet, where I don't have see the reactions of people.
To preface: I love the waltz. The reasons: It's gorgeous. It's elegant. Every song is better when recorded in triple meter. The costumes are lovely. It makes you feel strong and beautiful. And, waltz simply takes your breath away when done right.
Okay... that said-- here is the emotion I tack onto the waltz: melancholy. I know-- weird. When I watch that dance, listen to that music, I get this feeling of filling emptiness. Not in a bad way, but in a way that makes me more of a wistful romantic. I want to fall in love and dance like that everyday, even whilst making bread and washing dirty dishes.
That is the romantic life.


  1. So here before in place of this sorry excuse for a comment we had a long and eloquently worded expression of our feelings. and now we have nothing.

  2. I love the waltz too. Watching couples at Dance Sport with the girls in long flowing dresses the swoosh around their legs, and guys who look like princes. It's so beautiful. :)
