Monday, March 14, 2011

Might I just put a plug on my blog for books. I know, I know, I have a blog in addition to this one entirely devoted to the love of books and the English language. But might I just (PLEASE) encourage all to read. Today I was feeling quite sick, and so ended up giving up on class before it began (the fever and the watering eyes finally won out). And so I read.
One of my favorite books is "Life of Pi". It's simply wonderful. And I love the argument it makes about believing in God. Far from what is right or wrong, he simply argues that why would anybody give up on the beauty that religion and miracles and ritual and symbolism give. Why would they choose to trust in "dry, yeastless factuality" and willfully miss the better story?
God is the better story. A more beautiful way to view the miracle of life.
I have been thinking about this idea a lot, and how it can help you to always see the good. Even if things don't necessarily agree with you, you can still find something positive about them. Looking for the good-- something I learned from a book.


  1. What is a more perfect day to read Life of Pi, than 3.14 (Pi Day!)? You are awesome Julie, you made my day :) Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Now I want to go read that book. Thanks for the recommendation!
