Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oh, you ever get those days where you have soooo much to do-- and your body just doesn't want to do it? My body is saying: rest, just rest. But my brain is teeming with all the things that I need to do-- and dwelling on the little time I have to it. Oh classes with required attendance, sometimes there are more important things than attending you. Lately, things have been blissful at our apartment. Shineah got engaged! and she was here when it happened. I couldn't be more happy for her or for AJ, her fiance. :) Yay for love. We also have been having a cold spell-- I don't know why nature feels she has to rain every day. but here you have it. I just want time to move faster. I want finals to be done, work to be over, and germany to start, so that I can enjoy it and then come home to my dear, Jake. Sadly, that also means I want summer to be over before it begins. Crazy. I love summer. I think about the day to day tasks-- especially the ones involving a certain chemistry class, and I entertain the idea of what my life would be life without chemistry. Oh! such a pleasing and peaceful thought!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Chemistry... How I loathe thee! I will love to be your escape.
